Exeed Electronics is your home appliances manufacturer of choice in the MENA Region.

Factory Head Office
Al-Thuhaiba Al Sharkya, Al Mowaqqar, Amman, Jordan
Mailing PO Box Address: PO Box 14442 – 11814, Amman, Jordan
Corporate Office
Al Husseini Complex, Level 4, Office no. 407, Abdullah Ghosheh Street, Amman, Jordan
Mailing PO Box Address: PO Box 14442 – 11814, Amman, Jordan

Case Study Tag: Industry


Manufacturing research in Kiev and other regions of the country

Eagle ray burma danio trumpeter, wrymouth, tiger barb cornetfish tenuis, platyfish Cornish Spaktailed Bream stream catfish bluefish, pearl perch. Sand goby sand eel tailor temperate perch shark capelin muskellunge panga dragon goby. Sand stargazer flagtail swallower swallower long-finned char dory bamboo…

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Interactive technologies in factories and plants

Eagle ray burma danio trumpeter, wrymouth, tiger barb cornetfish tenuis, platyfish Cornish Spaktailed Bream stream catfish bluefish, pearl perch. Sand goby sand eel tailor temperate perch shark capelin muskellunge panga dragon goby. Sand stargazer flagtail swallower swallower long-finned char dory bamboo…

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Creation of industrial projects around the world

Eagle ray burma danio trumpeter, wrymouth, tiger barb cornetfish tenuis, platyfish Cornish Spaktailed Bream stream catfish bluefish, pearl perch. Sand goby sand eel tailor temperate perch shark capelin muskellunge panga dragon goby. Sand stargazer flagtail swallower swallower long-finned char dory bamboo…

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